15 in stock Israel – A Journey Prolonged Yet Successful

“The historical, geographical and political manifestation of an astounding, in fact, prodigious will exhibited by a tiny little community! That is it – Israel! Braving gruelling challenges, this nation, with its cultural legacy dating back thousands of years, kept alive and burning its national pride and its pride of religion; and even regained its land in return for tireless struggle,” writes Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi in the foreword to ‘Israel – a journey prolonged yet successful’—a book authored by Shulamith Penkar-Nigrekar, an Indian-Israeli Jew settled in Israel. The book gives a wide view of what went into the making of Israel right from the times of Hebrew patriarch Abraham all the way up to the silver jubilee celebrations of the establishment of the India-Israel strategic partnership. The book traverses in detail through the historical times and brings the readers to the time Zionism took birth. Further, the book recounts the struggles that led to the creation of modern-day Israel and the challenges this newborn country faced right at its outset. Last but not least, the book narrates the efforts and progress made by Israel in the fields of science, technology, agriculture, water management, modern weapons, etc., which transformed them from being an underdeveloped country to a developed nation.

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This work, Shree Ramrasayan, is the essence of the life story of Shree Prabhu Ramachandra from his birth till Ramrajya was established in Ayodhya. The pictures given in it correspond respectively to various episodes in this life story. Ravan symbolises the ill-fate and vicious ego, which brings fear into human life. Sadguru Aniruddha says, “Ravan, who represents ill-fate, steals Janaki and takes her away from Ram. Janaki represents peace and contentment. However, it is Ram who brings about the end of Ravan. The ego, as in the ‘I’, is Ravan’s life force, and the six foes, viz., desire, fury, lure, etc., form the fundamental substance of his mind. Vile inclinations and ill-fate that trouble me are certainly destroyed. But when? When I become a Vanarsainik of Ram.

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‘The Bapu that I have known’ – A unique and a crisp compilation, the book acquaints us with the multifarious personality of Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi (Sadguru Shree Aniruddha).


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4 in stock rsseng_v1i1

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was founded in the year 1925. The seed that Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar sowed ninety years back, has now grown into a huge Banyan tree – A Vatavriksha of immense expanse and stature. So, just how many branches and how many leaves this vast Vatavriksha might have, is not in the least easy to keep count of. The fact remains all the same, that this organization stands erect – tall and competent, its roots embedded very deep in the Bharatiya mind and mindset; and is developing at the pace and on the lines of the Vatavriksha – an expansive Banyan tree indeed. Not limiting itself to this country, the Sangh is active in every such country, that the Bharatiya finds himself in. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is in fact, not merely an organization, it has become a tradition, a tradition that bonds firm, the Bharatiya living abroad, with his motherland, with his culture.


Available in Hindi, Marathi & Gujrati


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14 in stock ramnaam book

Ramnaam Book (Print Copy – 4 Books in one set)

Aniruddha’s Universal Bank of Ramnaam implies a notebook which gives the devotees an opportunity to recollect the sacred name of God. Every page of the book has Lord Hanumanta’s image watermarked in the background, on which the devotees get the golden opportunity to write various names of God. While writing Ramnaam notebook we get connected with the divine name of the Lord which we chant while writing it. This is the biggest benefit of writing the Ramnaam books.

8 in stock Anjanamata

Anjanamata Book – (Print Copy – 2 Books in One Set)
Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu has gifted all the Shraddhavans with this ‘Aanjanamata Book’ – a simplest and beautiful way of making Aadimata Aanjana and her son Ramdoot Hanumant active in every Shraddhavans life. Aanjanamata book provides us with the strength to fight all odds in life and become a ‘Vanarsainik’ of Lord Ram. By writing this book one acquires the potency to fight alone with his prarabdha without depending upon others and the grace of Sadguru flows continuously. This is the biggest benefit of writing the Aanjanamata books.

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Going by the increasing trend of disasters happening around us be its natural or manmade, it would, in due course of time, become incumbent upon every citizen of this country to be aware of how to respond to and handle disasters. This textbook facilitates this.

Available in Marathi


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