Aanjaneya eSHOP

Swayambhagwan Trivikram (Harihar) Anantnamavali (Marathi)

Swayambhagwan (Harihar) Trivikram Anantnamavali – Marathi

Aanjaneya eSHOP

Swayambhagwan Trivikram (Harihar) Anantnamavali (Hindi)

Swayambhagwan (Harihar) Trivikram Anantnamavali – Hindi

Textbook of Disaster Management (English)


Going by the increasing trend of disasters happening around us be its natural or manmade, it would, in due course of time, become incumbent upon every citizen of this country to be aware of how to respond to and handle disasters. This textbook facilitates this.

Available in Marathi


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Shree Mahadurgeshwar Prapatti Pustika Marathi (set of 10)

Shree Mahadurgeshwar Prapatti Pustika Marathi – Print Copy (set of 10)